This web page provides full-disk solar flux spectra from initial observations of PEPSI’s first key-science project. All spectra cover the wavelength range 383-912nm with an average resolution of 250,000 and photon S/N ratio of between 2,000-8,000:1 depending on wavelength. Details are provided in the paper: K. G. Strassmeier, I. Ilyin, and M. Steffen, PEPSI deep spectra. I. The Sun-as-a-star, A&A, 612, A44 (2018).
The spectra are stored in the FITS binary table format which contains three columns in double floating point format and one extra column in byte format for masking pixels in the spectrum. The first column is the wavelength for each pixel in the stellar rest frame with the Solar barycentric and SIMBAD stellar radial velocities removed, the second is the continuum normalized intensity, and the last column is the variance for each pixel. Firstly, the radial velocity with value provided by SIMBAD for each star was removed, and secondly, the residual radial velocity was removed again after cross-correlation with respect to a synthetic spectrum. All these radial velocity corrections are given in the FITS header. The UT date, time, and exposure time in the FITS header refer to the middle of the total exposure time of all combined spectra. The S/N given in the FITS header refers to the median value over the whole spectrum.
Deep spectra
- November 15, 2016 [download] [quick view tool]
- November 16, 2016 [download] [quick view tool]
- November 17, 2016 [download] [quick view tool]
Time series spectra
- October 14, 2016 [DX spectra (263 files/380MB)] [SX spectra (263 files/373MB)]
- October 15, 2016 [DX spectra (386 files/558MB)] [SX spectra (386 files/547MB)]
- October 16, 2016 [DX spectra (334 files/483MB)] [SX spectra (347 files/491MB)]
Please refer to Table 1. in the paper for the spectrum properties.